Software failure is an opportunity for learning and exploration

position statement
software development
Software failure is a growth opportunity!

Gregory M. Kapfhammer



My research in the fields of software engineering and software testing focuses on the design, implementation, and experimental evaluation of automated techniques for finding and fixing the defects that lead to software failure. Even though much of my professional work develops methods to avoid software failure, I’ve also learned that when software fails it is an opportunity for me to learn about why it failed and to explore alternatives to, for instance, the approach that lead to the failure or the software that itself failed. After reflecting on my research and teaching experiences, it is now clear that I’ve greatly benefited from software failures!

Here are a few examples that help to illustrate my point:

In summary, I might still be using Windows, plotting data with commercial software, and managing my own version control server if it were not for all of these frustrating experiences with software! Was making a change to the new software painful? Was it time consuming to learn the ins-and-outs of a new program? Yes and yes. But, was it worth it? Yes, absolutely!

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